ConstantCommentary® Vol. V, No. 132, June 15, 2001

So Sue Me . . .

by Mike Jasper

Booby busts boozin' Bush babes
(... say that ten times fast.)

I realize I haven't published a column in quite some time, but that's because I've been doing some heavy research. After last week's debacle concerning the Bush Babes, I decided to assert my investigative journalism background and get to the bottom of the incident. Here's what I discovered.

Apparently, Barbara and Jenna Bush tried to use a false ID at Chuy's restaurant in Austin, Texas. At least that's what I heard.

I'm of two opinions on this. First, Jenna and Barbara, the Bush twins (hmmmmmm... twins) probably should have been smart enough to know they couldn't get away with it. Offhand, I'd say if you walk into a restaurant with a flock of Secret Service agents at your side, you're the President's daughters, and you're fucking twins besides -- you're probably going to attract a little attention. Especially if one of the twins is Jenna Bush, who got busted for illegal drinking a few weeks earlier at a shot bar on Sixth Street. Can't they just smoke pot like every other 20-year-old?

To me, it's like trying to buy a case of beer at a convenience store owned by your dad.

"Hi, dad. Just came in for my case."
"You're not 21, Jasper."
"Sure I am. Have you forgotten already? Check my ID."
"Hmmmm. This says your name is Armando."
"What the fuck? You forgot my name too?"

That said, I still think Chuy's management was just a little heavy handed when they decided to call 911. In case you did not know this, it's not really standard procedure. Once you check IDs and see they're fakes, you either tell the kiddies they can't be served or you politely ask them to leave the joint. But you don't call 911.

The decision to call in the cops was made by Chuy's manager-of-the-day, who told the fuzz once they arrived, "I just want them to get into as much trouble as possible." Now there's one spiteful bitch, huh? I'd mention her name, but I could get into trouble for that. All I can tell you is that her initials are M.L. If she were a public figure -- such as MIA Hamm or LAWRENCE Taylor -- I could tell you more, but to do so now would be like calling the cops on twins.

I have to give the Austin Police Department credit. When they got there, they were just as amazed as the rest of us. One officer asked, "What would you like us to do?" but you can be sure he was thinking, "What the fuck's the matter with you? You called 911? Two girls with phony IDs? Twins, no less? Did they pull a gun on you? Did they set fire to the bar? Don't be calling our shit for twins with phony IDs, you fuckin' moron."

From what I read in the local paper, the cops decided to discuss the matter with the Secret Service agents, who were apparently oblivious to everything. (Can't the Secret Service agents buy-up for them?) Meanwhile, some joker regular at the bar called up the local daily, the Austin American-Statesman, probably so he could get his sad ass into the newspaper. In fact, he did get into the paper.

Here's the joker's quote: "When the reporter from the Statesman showed up, everyone scattered." No shit.

The next day, the big bust -- which amounted to no more than a citation or two -- became national news. One reporter asked Barbara Bush to comment on the incident, who said with great umbrage, "I can't believe you asked me that. I feel sorry for you." The Bushes are great for pulling that stunt. When a reporter brings up a sticky subject, they turn on him. Remember when George Sr. pulled that I-am-so-offended routine on Dan Rather? I do. But here's the strange thing: it always works. America loves to watch the Bushes rag on reporters, which goes to show that journalists rank well below politicians in credibility and are probably on a par with car salesmen.

Still, I have to agree with Barbara Bush this time. The reporter could have asked much better questions.

"The twins recently got busted for drinking again. Do you think this is a genetic thing?"
"One of your granddaughters goes to Yale, and the other attends the University of Texas. In your opinion, which is the better party school?"
"Have the twins been hit on by Bill Clinton yet?"

Where's Stuttering John when you need him?

Here's the deal. Yes, the Bush Babes were wrong to try to buy beer, not that I care. And yes, Chuy's management needed to take charge of the situation once the chicklets were discovered drinking. But don't call 911, for crissakes. Don't waste the taxpayers' money on a pair of fluffies. Get a fuckin' clue. Calling 911 on a meaningless bust just distracts the police from doing what they do best -- tracking down and arresting Robert Downey Jr.

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FATHER'S DAY: Don't forget, this Sunday is Father's Day. So remember, boys -- don't answer the fuckin' phone.

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SUBSCRIPTIONS: If you've recently subscribed, but you haven't received an e-mail, that means you got lost between the cracks. Nothing personal. Just e-mail me again.

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STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This column aims to be funny. If you can read anything else into it, you're on your own.

Link(s) Of The Week

Welcome to Chuy's - (Must be at least 21)

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Mike Jasper is a writer and musician living in Austin, Texas. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, he has strong ties to Seattle, St. Petersburg, Florida and North Platte, Nebraska. He can be reached at or PO Box 91174, Austin TX, 78709 or 24-hour voice mail at 512-916-3727. Accessible? I think so.
© 2001 by Mike Jasper, All Rights Reserved. ConstantCommentary® is published every Thursday except for holidays, planned and unplanned. All material is the responsibility of the author. Special thanks to those who helped along the way: Jeff Cox, Susan Maxey, Catherine Clay, Cathleen Cole, Valerie Sprague, Ian Wolff, Laura Martin and Karin Stephenson. (You may download this article, print it out for personal use and e-mail it to your friends. But you must never, ever give Kurt Vonnegut the credit.)