ConstantCommentary® Vol. V, No. 143, December 20, 2001

So Sue Me . . .

by Mike Jasper

Things I've noticed, lately
(... some that bug me, some that don't)

If you go to a Christmas party where people older than fifty have been invited, at least one of the older men will look like Dick Cheney.

If the same party includes gays and lesbians, some of the gays and lesbians will be at each others' throats before the night is out. Go figure.

When people call my voice mail, they seldom leave their name. If they do, they never follow it up with an e-mail. It's either one or the other. So, Kurt, my favorite beer is Guinness. Which you would already know, if you bothered to use the damn search engine on the Web site.

Whenever people visit me in Texas, they invariably want to visit the Alamo -- even though it's in another damn town (San Antonio). And then they never believe it when I tell them that along with the Bowie knife, the Bowie spoons are also on display. Jim Bowie was the king of the kitchen utensils, apparently.

Before my friends visit the Alamo, I always tell them to ask about Daniel Boone. They usually do, although Boone was never at the Alamo. Ever.

It's nice to see that the Bowl survived the stock market crash of 2001. (Even Enron couldn't pull that one off.) Where else would you get to see the intense rivalry between that one college team that made it into the bowl vs. that other one?

"Use your niblick, ya fuckin' lassie," is never as funny shouted out at a bar as it is written down. Even when you get a Scottish girl to yell it.

During a prostate exam, the doctor asked me to "lean back" during the examination. At least he didn't tell me to "take it like a man." One question: How does he do that and still keep two hands on my shoulders?

Mike Jasper is straight. Michael Jasper is amazingly gay. Don't ask me to explain. Just accept it.

In the 70s, I led a punk rock band. In the 80s, a straight-on rock and roll band, and in the 90s a country rock band. Same da,m songs, though.

Those who can't do, teach. And those who can't teach, try to teach me.

It's bad to mix morphine and alcohol. Don't ask how I know.

If you buy a toilet bowl at Lowe's Home Improvement, they will gladly throw in the shit at no extra charge.

If you're in an elevator with a pit bull and one of you farts, you might not be entirely sure who it was. Don't ask me how I know.

I'm nine years older than Michael Jordan. But no one notices, since I'm not trying to play basketball.

If a woman tells a guy, "You do things to me that no man has ever done to me before," don't assume it's a compliment.

Guys with limp dicks can still orgasm. Don't ask me how I know.

Never, ever trust a woman who reads your column. Unless she's willing to send you nude pics. (Yeah, I'm fishing here.)

Finally... once again my Christmas cards are now going to be New Year's cards.

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SUBSCRIPTIONS: If you've recently subscribed, but you haven't received an e-mail, that means you got lost between the cracks. Nothing personal. Just e-mail me again.

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STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This column aims to be funny. If you can read anything else into it, you're on your own.

Link(s) Of The Week

The Hunger Site - Go click for Christmas

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Mike Jasper is a writer and musician living in Austin, Texas. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, he has strong ties to Seattle, St. Petersburg, Florida and North Platte, Nebraska. He can be reached at or PO Box 91174, Austin TX, 78709 or 24-hour voice mail at 512-916-3727. Accessible? I think so.
© 2001 by Mike Jasper, All Rights Reserved. ConstantCommentary® is published every Thursday except for holidays, planned and unplanned. All material is the responsibility of the author. Special thanks to those who helped along the way: Jeff Cox, Susan Maxey, Catherine Clay, Cathleen Cole, Valerie Sprague, Ian Wolff, Laura Martin and Karin Stephenson. (You may download this article, print it out for personal use and e-mail it to your friends. But you must never, ever give Kurt Vonnegut the credit.)